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Class #6  "Time & Space"

The purpose of this class is to become aware that in "The Greater Multiverse"

the concepts of "Time" and "Space" do not apply.

Many scientists know that ultimately we exist "In No Time, In No Space" .
Those dimensions are actually just "illusions" of our physical universe.
Learn to think beyond the limitations of "Time & Space".

"The past is not gone, the future isn't non-existent.  The past, the future and the present are all existing in exactly the same way." - Prof. Max Tegmark, MIT


"Everything that has ever happened, or will happen - it all exists." - Prof. Brian Greene, Columbia


"The distinction between past, present and future is only an illusion, however persistent". - Prof. Albert Einstein, Princeton (emeritus)


""Time and Space are just an "illusion".  There is "No Time", There is "No Space"

- Prof. Brian GoodVibes, GVM


Music for Browsing    "No Time, No Space" (inst) 

When you reach the deepest layers of consciousness, you come to the place where  "Time & Space" have no meaning.
 You realize that in 
"The Greater Reality" 
there is
"No Time or Space".
They are only convenient asssumptions
for doing business
on the physical plane.



There is No Time, there is No Space

There is No Time to go "no place"

For in No Time you'll see "No Space"

Whe you leave Time

And you visit the land where Time and Space

Are only a way of staying in place!


And in No Time, you'll see no trace

For in No Time you will leave Space

You'll have All-Time to go any place

When you stop Time -

And you go anywhere you want to go

For you know everywhere is right there in your soul!


So - Take your Time and slow down to see

There is No Time when you can't be free

There is No Space to slow down your pace

There's just a place Where Everything Happens At Once!

When you are ready -


Everything is happening in The SpacIous Present

Everything is happening in The Eternal Now


The Cosmic Creation is ongoing and eternal

"Big Bangs" are constanly occuring,

With no beginning or end


You can change the past

You can change the future

And you can change the present -

The present is a blend of the past and future


You have all the time you need to change anything!

Time and Space are just an illusion

You will come to this conclusion

If you let your Spirit listen

To the sound of the music

Where Everything Happens At Once -

When you are ready!

When you are on the Earth plane

You live in a dimension of Time & Space


But when you are in Other Realms, Other Dimensions, Other Realities

There is no Time or Space


Time & Space are features of our physical universe only

Root asssumptions of this dimension

Mutually-agreed upon by those who enter this realm


Time & Space are illusions:

What seems to be Space is an extension of your consciousness

What seems to be Time is an extension of your desires


Your Unlimited Self is free of all Space-Time limitations

Your Unlimited Self knows everything happens in The Spacious Present,

The Eternal Now


The past is still alive

The future already lives

The present is a blend of the past and future


There are no limits to your adventures in Time & Space

Except those you place on yourself



Time and Space are just an illusion

You will come to this conclusion

If you let your Spirit listen

To the sound of the music Where Everything Happens At Once -

When you are flying!

There is No Time, there is No Space

There's just All-Time to go any place

And in No Time you'll find your place

Whe you take Time

And you visit the land where Time is flowing

And past and future are always growing

In No Time, In No Space!


Our Alternate Selves  exist in a Multiverse  of "No Time & No Space".
Our Alternate Selves  follow "The Roads We Passed On By".
 "Anything That Can Happen - Does"  in some  Alternate World -
If  you put enough desire and effort toward that reality in this  life,
Whether in imagination, dreams or physical activity.
The choices we make here create  the Alternate Selves
We become in Parallel Worlds.
All of these Alternate Selves have their own free will,
Their own ability to get into and out of trouble in their worlds
Just as we do in this one.
These other versions of us are our "Probable Selves".

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